English conversation A2

Let’s talk and have fun
When you travel you don’t trust yourself to speak English even though you can! Then this course is for you! Our main focus is on speaking. You will get the chance to use and improve your spoken English through discussions, group and partner work. Your English will be reactivated using texts and discussions. If necessary, certain grammar structures will be revised. You are also welcome to bring in your own ideas and wishes. Chinese Proverb: Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

Lehrwerk „Key - Aktuelle Ausgabe: A2“ - Kursbuch mit CDs und Phrasebook, Cornelsen Verlag, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-06-020098-6

Der Kurs findet trotz Schulferien am 31.07. statt.

9 Tage, 05.06.2024 - 31.07.2024
Mittwoch, wöchentlich, 17:45 - 19:15 Uhr
Breda Schnepf
, Muttersprachlerin


Kursgebühr: 81,00 €

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  1. Weitere Veranstaltungen von Breda Schnepf

    1. Englisch A2 - Conversation242.40603.04MAM

      16.10.24 - 18.12.24 (9-mal) 17:45 - 19:15 Uhr
      Plätze frei
      (Plätze frei)